Denver International Airport
By: C.R.
The Denver International Airport. While just a replacement to the Stapleton Airport, our team did a little bit of digging into some of the strange occurrences and features that have happened there during the building process and after the fact.
To layout some basics, the airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres of land and initial was estimated to cost $1.7 billion dollars but by the date of opening, the project totaled to $4.8 billion. Although the airport was supposed to open in October of 1993, it was pushed back to December 1993, then to March 1994, and then to May 1994. However, part of DIA’s immense budget went to attempting to create an automated baggage system, which failed in April of 1994, causing the opening date to be postponed until February 1994. Airport engineers has said these automated baggage systems would were up and running in 1995, however, an addition $50 million was spent on a conventional baggage system as back up. In addition to this, critics felt as if officials had raced into the construction of the airport, as DIA when built had 87 gates in comparison to Stapleton’s 111 gates. Even more concerning to critics, agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Transportation, the United States Attorney in Denver, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the General Accounting Office and the Denver District Attorney were investigating allegations regarding DIA’s construction and how it was financed with bonds.
But in addition to this, there are some odd things about DIA and its construction. The 19 miles of automated baggage system never worked, regardless of the what the Airport Engineers. These tunnels have been hypothesized to be tied to the Denver International Airport serving as an underground military base. Another strange addition to failed architecture early on in DIA’s construction process included five buildings that were built in the wrong place and rather than simply knocking them down, they were buried. I’m not sure whether this constitutes as a military base, but an interesting piece of information.
While many people reference bizarre murals as a nod to the apocalypse, it might just be, and most likely is simply art. There is a time capsule addressed to the New World Airport Commission that also has a Freemasons symbol engraved, which is not an organization that exists outside of DIA, but that apparently was just a marketing tool to increase popularity, the name referencing from a classical piece by Dvorak’s “New World Symphony.”
At the end of the day, maybe down the line we will learn more about the Denver International Airport, but it is important to remember that all of these mysterious are simply mysteries with limited, veritable, information to prove these conspiracies. As you digest media, always check your sources and please check ours! Continue to combat misinformation with us at the Always United Researching Authenticity Club!
For now, signing off,
- C.R.
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